8 Reasons to Conserve MacRitchie Forest


Living in the little big city of Singapore, it’s certainly tempting to ask, “Why bother about the forests anyway? Why do we need nature reserves?”

As nature enthusiasts, we probably can rattle off a gazillion reasons each – some personal, some practical, others scientific. However, among these, there are certainly important points we all share as Singaporeans. So here we have it –

Why MacRitchie Forest matters:

  1. Amazingly rich biodiversity
  2. A big green lung in our urban city
  3. MacRitchie works for us behind-the-scenes
  4. A domino effect can harm MacRitchie
  5. It’s a present for you and me
  6. It is a way to give back to Mother Nature
  7. Alternatives are available for the CRL
  8. Because YOU can make a difference

Amazingly rich biodiversity

MacRitchie Forest is home to a total of about 397 species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibian and native freshwater fishes!

While we can call all of Singapore our home, some of the forest-dependent animals only have 2.5% of Singapore to call home. Help them continue to live in MacRitchie as it is and keep that 2.5% of Forest Reserves a livable place for them!

A big green lung in our urban city

There are approximately 2000 species of plants in the nature reserve, and all these are situated just a few minutes away from town. New plant species are still being discovered in Singapore (click here to find out more!). Who knows what other plants are waiting out there to be discovered? Who knows what plants may become extinct if MacRitchie is disrupted?

HRDiscovery of two new species of plants native to the Republic – Hanguana rubinea and Hanguana triangulata (Image credit : Channel News Asia)

MacRitchie works for us behind-the-scenes

Did you know that the forest of MacRitchie serves as a catchment area for the reservoir, protecting our water supply? And that the greenery in MacRitchie helps in lowering the average temperature of its surroundings?  These benefits are often unobservable but affect us in our everyday lives. Some other functions of MacRitchie include recreation (entry is free for all!), education (an interactive out-of-classroom learning experience!) and research.

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Tree Top Walk at MacRitchie 

(Image credit: nparks.gov.sg)


A bird’s eye view of the Treetop Walk

(Image credit: http://sg.asia-city.com/sites/default/files/macritchie-reservoir-park.jpg)


Jelutong Tower

(Image credit: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/47118136)


MacRitchie Reservoir

(Image credit: https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2845/11050723994_fdae692055_b.jpg)

A domino effect can harm MacRitchie

The forest is really one huge chain of dominoes. Man-made changes to the forest may put multiple species at risk of extinction.

slow loris

The sunda slow loris (Nycticebus coucang), one of the endangered animals whose refuge is MacRitchie

(Image Credit: Wildlife Singapore)

It’s a present for you and me

By signing the petition, you are saying that you care. Give yourself, your loved ones and future generations the opportunity to enjoy MacRitchie as it is today.

It is a way to give back to Mother Nature

Mother Nature gives us clean air, clean water, beautiful landscapes and breathtaking views that we often take for granted. Giving Mother Nature a safe haven to flourish is the least we could do after enjoying all the freebies from Nature!

Alternatives are available for the CRL

While we seek to improve our public transport system, the move towards a more interconnected Singapore should not diminish the value of MacRitchie Forest and the ecosystem services it provides. These two priorities can co-exist together – if only we choose to consider the possibility of alternative routes.

Because YOU can make a difference

Every signature counts in making a stand and showing that the MacRitchie Forest is valued by people in Singapore, and that we want to conserve it. Sign the petition to save Singapore’s Forest Reserves at http://tinyurl.com/lta-crl

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